Written on 01 August 2020 .
Course Syllabus
Lactation Consultant Bridge Course
Supporting the Employed Breastfeeding Parent
by Tamika Harris IBCLC
Tamika Harris's Bio
Newborn Assessment
by Sarah Stilling MSN, APRN, CPNP-AC/PC, IBCLC
Sarah Stilling's Bio
Infectious Diseases in the Lactating Individual
by Sally Wineholt MD, IBCLC
Sally Wineholt's Bio
Human Milk Banking
by Rebecca Mannel MPH, IBCLC, FILCA
Rebecca Mannel's Bio
Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies
by Malaika Ludman MPH,CLC, Birth Doula
Malaika Ludman's Bio
Breastfeeding the Premature Infant: BreaSteps
by Amy Black, BS, IBCLC
Amy Black's Bio
Journey to IBCLC & Professional Development
by Jollina Walker BS, IBCLC, RLC
Jollina Walker's Bio
Legal and Ethical Concerns for the IBCLC
by Elizabeth Brooks JD, IBCLC, FILCA
Elizabeth Brooks's Bio
Plastic Surgery Procedures and Lactation
by Katrina Mitchell MD, IBCLC
Katrina Mitchell's Bio
Intimate Partner Violence and Lactation
by Tara Larrick BA
Tara Larrick's Bio
Research Concepts and Utilization in Lactation
by Julie Grimes IBCLC
Julie Grimes's Bio
Formula Feeding
by Mary Bailey RD, IBCLC, PCD (DONA)
Mary Bailey's Bio
Three Step Framework for Inducing Lactation
by Alyssa Schnell MS, IBCLC
Alyssa Schnell's Bio
Jaundice and Human Milk Feeding
by Sekeita Lewis-Johnson DNP, FNP-BC, IBCLC
Sekeita Lewis-Johnson's Bio
Medically Challenged Infant
by Allison Ward-Moore MD, IBCLC
Allison Ward-Moore's Bio
Infant GERD and Human Milk Feeding
by Mary Bailey RD, IBCLC, PCD (DONA)
Mary Bailey's Bio
Test Weights Clinical Video
by Jennifer Day IBCLC, CLE, CLS, RLC, BD
Jennifer Day's Bio
Breast Exam Clinical Video
by Jennifer Day IBCLC, CLE, CLS, RLC, BD
Jennifer Day's Bio
Finger Feed Clinical Video
by Jennifer Day IBCLC, CLE, CLS, RLC, BD
Jennifer Day's Bio
Oral Assessment Clinical Video
by Jennifer Day IBCLC, CLE, CLS, RLC, BD
Jennifer Day's Bio
Supplementing Clinical Video
by Jennifer Day IBCLC, CLE, CLS, RLC, BD
Jennifer Day's Bio
Breastfeeding Multiples
by Nichelle Clark IBCLC, RLC, CBS &
Nichelle Clark's Bio
Continuity of Care and the Community
by Sekeita Lewis-Johnson DNP, FNP-BC, IBCLC
Sekeita Lewis-Johnson's Bio
Trauma Informed Care
by Laurie Scherer MS, LCPC-S
Laurie Scherer's Bio
Underlying Medical Conditions in the Lactating Individual
by Sally Wineholt MD, IBCLC
Sally Wineholt's Bio
Supporting Families with Food Allergies
by Meghan McMillin MSN, RDN, IBCLC
Meghan McMillin's Bio
6 Case Studies
by Angela Love-Zaranka BA, IBCLC, RLC, FILCA &
Angela Love-Zaranka's Bio
Lactation Consultant Bridge Course
Course grants the following credits:
45 L-CERPs from the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners - IBLCE
45 Nursing Contact Hours from the American Nurses Credentialing Center - ANCC
45 CMEs - from The Interstate Post Graduate Medical Association - IMPA
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