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Full Spectrum TOT Conference


Two-part dive into tethered oral tissues

Price: $79.00 USD

A conference designed for professionals who want a full and complete understanding of tethered oral tissues (TOTs), offering the expertise of three practitioners who have made tethered oral tissues their life’s work. Learn or review the basics (TOTs terminology, descriptions, assessment, and definitions) for a solid foundation. Then go beyond the basics with discussions of surgical and non-surgical interventions and the critical importance of cross-disciplinary collaboration for successful long-term outcomes. And, learn about an avante garde approach that uses breastfeeding itself as a treatment tool.

Join two IBCLCs and one pediatric dentist on this two-part adventure, and come away with new information and tools you can use right away to take your practice to a new level when helping dyads with tongue, lip, and buccal ties.

Part One: Tongue Tie: Can Breastfeeding be Part of the Solution?  This course provides in-depth discussion, demonstration, and videos of dyads using the Concorde Latch technique for TOTs. Learn specific ways to hold and offer the breast and support and position the baby to encourage relaxation, a wider open mouth, and a greater range of motion for the tongue and jaw. These techniques make breastfeeding itself a “flexible and adaptable training facility” for babies with TOTs, before, after, or in the absence of surgical release.

Instructor: Myrte van Lonkhuijsen, MA, IBCLC, is a private-practice lactation consultant who developed Concorde Latching and has used it extensively with clients.

Part Two: Tethered Oral Tissues: A Collaborative Model of Care. Start with the basics–TOTs terminology, types, and impact on feeding. Then, delve into how to assess parent and baby, including history taking and evaluating oral anatomy and function before and during a latch. Finish with how to discuss treatment options with parents and collaborate with release providers before and after surgery. Special emphasis is given throughout to the IBCLC’s role as care coordinator for the family with an infant with TOTs.

Instructors: Dr. Rishita Jaju, DMD, MALD, is a pediatric dentist specializing in TOTs. She has amassed hundreds of hours of continuing education on TOTs and laser frenotomy, and focuses on a collaborative approach with IBCLCs as an integral part of her practice. 

Susan Howard, RN, MSN, IBCLC, brings more than two decades in maternal-child health and is  owner of Arlington Lactation & Feeding Therapy, where she specializes in supporting dyads with TOTs.

This Course Awards:

4 L-CERPS and 4 Nursing Contact Hours

Price: $79

All Topics Covered
Clinical Skills
Development and Nutrition
Course Expiration Date