LER Español

Unpacking the International Code for Physicians


Protecting families from predatory marketing practices

Price: $48.00 USD

The marketing of breastmilk substitutes is a billion dollar global industry that targets new families at the most vulnerable time and influences infant feeding decisions through misleading information. At the center of the global effort to protect families from this predatory marketing is the International Code of the Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes, along with its subsequent relevant WHA resolutions.

As someone who provides care for families in the childbearing years, you must have a thorough understanding of the Code — why it exists, what it covers, and how to utilize it to advocate for parents and babies. In a comprehensive and easy-to-understand way, this course provides that knowledge. You’ll learn:

  • The most important current issues in industry compliance with the Code
  • How skilled marketing professionals use language that implies they support the Code while not actually complying
  • How digital marketing technology has changed the landscape and created new challenges
  • The latest efforts by UNICEF, WHO, and others to analyze Code implementation, industry compliance, and the effect of formula marketing on human milk feeding worldwide
  • What actions you can take to support the Code and prevent predatory marketing

Instructor Lisa Mandell, MBA, IBCLC, has been a private practice lactation consultant since 2005. With a career background in business and marketing, she has developed a speciality focus on issues of marketing and promotion in the area of breastfeeding.

Note for recertifying IBCLCs: This course meets The Code Education requirement and awards 2 of 5 E-CERPs required for IBCLC recertification.

Coupon Code: Jan2025COTM
Code is active from 1/1/25 - 1/31/25
15% off Unpacking the code for Physicians & Unpacking the code course
This Course Awards:
  • 2 CMEs for Physicians
  • 2 E-CERPs
  • 2 Nursing Contact Hours
Price: $48.00

Primary Topics Covered
Clinical Skills
All Topics Covered
Clinical Skills
Development and Nutrition
Psychology Sociology Anthropology
Course Expiration Date