LER Español

Anatomy and Physiology of the Mammary Gland for Physicians


Essential information for exam prep and lactation practice

Price: $24.00 USD

This course provides an information-packed, yet accessible explanation of the structure and function of the mammary gland, grounded in the most up-to-date lactation research. Julie Grimes, experienced IBCLC and veteran LER staff member, brings her clear, engaging teaching style and helpful visuals to this challenging subject, making it easy to understand and remember. By using icons to flag pertinent details for IBCLC exam preparation and pivotal points essential for lactation practice, Grimes ensures that you come away with exactly the information you need. Course bonus: A comprehensive glossary of terms, ideal for reviewing for the IBCLC exam.

This course covers:

  • Mammary structure
  • Mammary development
  • Variations in mammary anatomy
  • Variations in mammary physiology
This Course Awards:
  • 1.5 CMEs for Physicians
  • 1.5 Nursing Contact Hours
  • 1.5 L-CERPs
Price: $24.00
Primary Topics Covered
Development and Nutrition
Physiology and Endocrinology
All Topics Covered
Development and Nutrition
Physiology and Endocrinology
Course Expiration Date