75 CERP Recertification Bundle
Lactation Education Resources offers an easy, user-friendly, inexpensive way to earn contact hours for nurses and CERPs for recertification as a lactation consultant.
IBCLCs recertifying: This single bundle provides the CERPs you need, regardless of the results of your IBLCE CE Self Assessment. It includes at least 7 CERPs in each IBLCE Detailed Content Outline (DCO) area. (Need more information on recertifying by CERPs? Our blog offers a step-by-step guide.
View the webcast video lessons, do the online activities, and then take the online post test. The complete program will take a minimum of 75 hours to finish. Once all of the lessons within this program have been completed you will be able to print your certificate. It couldn't be easier!
- Credits:
- 70 L-CERPs
- 5 E-CERPs
- 75 Nursing Contact Hours
- Webcast Powerpoint Presentations (each lesson topic ranging from 1 to 2 hours)
- Bibliography
- Course Evaluation
Need less than 75 CERPs? Click to view other bundles.
Subscribe Now $849.00 USD when bundled $998.00 when purchased separately
Courses Included:
Clinical Skills
- Politics of Breastfeeding
- Infant Feeding in Disasters
- 6 Case Studies
- Mentoring the Next Generation
- When Breastfeeding Fails
- Legal and Ethical Concerns for the IBCLC
- Controversies in Breastfeeding Promotion
- Insights into Ethical Practice
- Ethical Considerations in Lactation Consulting
Development and Nutrition
- Human Milk Composition
- Nutrition for Breastfeeding
- Growth and Development
- Human Milk Banking
- Breastfeeding the Late Preterm and Early Term Infant
- Engorgement and Mastitis
- Jaundice and Human Milk Feeding
- Allergies and the Breastfed Baby
- Medically Challenged Infant
- Maternal Infections and Breastfeeding
- WHO Says What?
- Annual Update 2021
- Annual Update 2022
Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Use of Gel Dressings and Nipple Creams During Lactation
- Nicotine and Tobacco Use During Lactation
- Herbals and Galactogogues During Lactation
- Breastfeeding and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Physiology and Endocrinology
- Human Milk for Older Infants and Toddlers
- BreaSteps: Breastfeeding the Premature Infant
- Relactation and Induced Lactation
- Breastfeeding Multiples
- Plastic Surgery Procedures and Lactation
- Anatomy of a Lactation Consultation
Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology
- Partners and Breastfeeding
- Intimate Partner Violence and Lactation
- Infant Sleep and Feeding
- Facilitators and Barriers to Initiation of Breastfeeding
- Trauma Informed Care
- PTSD for NICU Parents
- Essentials of Positioning
- Comprehensive Review of Infant Suck
- Infant Assessment