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Ethical Issues for Lactation Consultants Bundle

Ethical Issues for Lactation Consultants Bundle

Immediate online access to the videos, PowerPoint and post test. Instructors are Marion 'Lou' Lamb, RN, MS, IBCLC and Elizabeth Brooks JD, IBCLC, FILCA

Bundle Includes the following courses:

  • Unpacking the InternationalCode with Lisa Mandell
  • Overcoming Bias with Kristin Cavuto
  • Legal and Ethical Concerns for the IBCLC ~ Lecture by Liz Brooks, Esq., regarding legal concerns of the lactation consultant.

5.5 E-CERPs and 5.5 Nursing Contact Hours

Buy Now  $99.00 USD

Unpacking the InternationalCode with Lisa Mandell

As someone who provides care for families in the childbearing years, you must have a thorough understanding of the Code — why it exists, what it covers, and how to utilize it to advocate for parents and babies. In a comprehensive and easy-to-understand way, this course provides that knowledge. You’ll learn:
  • The most important current issues in industry compliance with the Code
  • How skilled marketing professionals use language that implies they support the Code while not actually complying
  • How digital marketing technology has changed the landscape and created new challenges
  • The latest efforts by UNICEF, WHO, and others to analyze Code implementation, industry compliance, and the effect of formula marketing on human milk feeding worldwide
  • What actions you can take to support the Code and prevent predatory marketing

Buy Now  $48.00 USD

Legal and Ethical Concerns for the Lactation Consultant

Covers basic legal principles regarding the creation, duration and termination of the professional patient/client relationship, general and informed consent, legal actions most likely to be brought against LC's including battery, professional negligence, breach of warranty and unauthorized practice of medicine. Also included is a discussion of professional liability insurance.

2 E-CERPs and 2 Nursing Contact Hours

Buy Now  $30.00 USD

Overcoming Bias In Yourself

You’ll begin by getting a solid foundation with Cavuto’s clear explanations of bias, intersectionality, and related concepts, spend time reflecting on your own identity and experiences, and then join Cavuto as she explores six real-life scenarios where bias negatively impacted the care received by a birthing and lactating family. Stories are told from the perspective of the family members themselves–from cases where bias led to premature weaning to those where it led to potential physical violence. Cavuto clearly explains the bias-related errors made by practitioners, and then goes back through each scenario to explore how concrete, effective amends can be made to each family.

Buy Now  $24.00 USD

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